Saturday, October 31, 2009

I need a new CAR?

I got a letter in the mail from a nearby major car dealership and it said %26quot;GARUNTEED PREAPPROVAL FOR FINANCING%26quot; is there a catch?

I need a new CAR?

Of course there%26#039;s a catch.

They won%26#039;t (and can%26#039;t) tell you what type of financing you%26#039;ve been %26#039;approved%26#039; for. They figure they%26#039;ll find some bank for you once you%26#039;re in their showroom.

Find your own financing (your bank, credit union, etc) before going to a dealership.

I need a new CAR?

The car dealer always make money no matter what they say. car dealers give a cheap price on tv and that price is a car with out any options in fact they don%26#039;t make a car they can sell at that price. This is someone that knows!!!

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