I went to a dealership and purchased a car. I traded in 1 car that was there the night of the deal, put $500 down on credit card and was pre approved for financing through the dealer. We told the dealer we had another car we wanted to trade in. They wrote it up in the contract giving us an additional amount for this car with out seeing it. Nothing in our contract says the deal was contingent on the delivery and appraisal of the trade in and now they want to redo the contract. Giving us less for the car. We told them no. Now they are holding our paperwork so our loan is not being processed, our plates not transferred, our gap ins not submitted, and our trade in cars not paid off!! Can they do this? and if not how long can they hold our paperwork from being processed?? I am afraid they will try to scam and tell us the financing did not go thru or something. But I can get a loan if I needed to but not sure if we can go get one cause os the contract we signed with them. What should we do?
Can a car dealer go back on a signed contract deal???
If there are signatures involved, I don%26#039;t think it would be easy for them to go back on the contract. Best thing I can suggest is try contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles or Department of Consumer Affairs in the state where you live. Call numbers or click on links and hopefully one of them will be able to help you or direct you to the right place. Good Luck!!
Can a car dealer go back on a signed contract deal???
Hmmm....sticky situation here. Signed contracts mean nothing until suitable financing has been recieved. If the dealer wanted to play hardball, all they will have to do is contact the finance company and have them decline the deal. That%26#039;s easy to do and impossible to dispute.
The only reason why the dealership would renig on the deal is because you grossly misrepresented the 2nd trade. If it was worth a few hundred less than what they thought, they would most likely eat the difference. In order to pass on the entire deal, you car must be worth FAR less than originally discussed. There isn%26#039;t much you can do since no money has changed hands. You still have the ability to walk away as if you were never there...that%26#039;s all the courts will tell you if you take it that far. If you are truley unhappy, walk away.
First off, you haven%26#039;t been scammed. You still have your vehicle so you aren%26#039;t out anything but your time. Don%26#039;t mess with getting your own financing because they do not have to release the car to you. They aren%26#039;t the only place in town. Go somewhere else and I BET they tell you your cars are worth darn close to what the first place is telling you. If that%26#039;s the case, then YOU are in the wrong. Sorry to break the bad news. :(
Can a car dealer go back on a signed contract deal???
The fact that they there was a close of %26quot;subject to seeing%26quot;
the car you are trading in, gives them the Legal out to change the appraisal of your trade in car, but not the price of the car you purchased
Can a car dealer go back on a signed contract deal???
walk away. get your first car back and have them credit your card.
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