I have been a sales person %26amp; sales manager in the Manufactured Home business since I was 18. Now I am 24 and looking to get in the car sales business. I don%26#039;t know a lot about cars, but when I started in Manufactured Home I didn%26#039;t know anything either. I won lots of awards %26amp; trips in the Manu. Home business and I consider myself a pretty good sales person. I sold the homes, secured the financing for the home as well, and helped with any service issues with the home. I was wondering from someone that has been in the car business how hard is it? Is securing financing hard for the loan hard? What are commissions like? What is base salary like? What is the more popular dealer(Ford, Chevy, Dodge, etc) to work for? Is it extremely stressful?
Thanks for any help!
Car Sales?
I just came across your question and will be happy to answer all your questions but it will take awhile so tomorrow. I have spent most of my life in the automobile business. I also knocked doors for a few years before I got involved in the car biz. I will give you all info. needed . I started in 1990 as a sales person sold cars for 4yrs and moved into management and have been in the business since. The pay scale differs from place to place but not by alot its usually 25% of the gross meaning if you own a car for 10,000 and sell it for 12k you get 500.00. The salary is usually only for the first couple of months while your learning after its commission only but you will know within 60days if its for you .The business has changed alot over the last 10yrs mostly because there is a wealth of information out there but most of it is wrong. I have always worked at an import store like Toyota of Honda you get a better customer credit wise and they are not affected by the ups amd downs of the ecomeny as much they are a little harder to close. The business is very very stressful you have long hrs and need to be tough skined in order to make it as its very cut throat.The experiance you have will defantily make it alot easier on you than most .Sales as you know is hard to handle but on average its the highst paying profession . The lending is like any thing good credit no worries but there are a ton of programs for all. The average sales person makes around 35k some around 50/60k and the top 90/100k. If your able to do well the climb to management is alot quicker these days and depending on the dealership you can expect to make 100/150k . I would proabally say to stay out of the car biz its rough and makes you age fast but I cant be to hard on it because its made me a good income for a long time but I have paid the price. I knocked doors (cold call) for three years before I got into the car world so it was easy to me from the start. Please remember if you have a good job and are just unhappy put alot of thought in this . I would be more than happy to answer any futher questions you might have.
Car Sales?
Financing usually is not that much harder than a home loan. ?The customer has to be qualified for there loan. The commissions usually are 10% or a specified amount. The bas salariaries are usually 400 per week. I found chevy dealers easier to sell. The stress level is pretty high because you are suppose to sell a cetain amount of cars.
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